N. N.

Hi I'm Helen and I studied Industrial Engineering and Management at the KIT from 2013 to 2020 with a focus on Logistics and Machine Learning. Subsequently, I was a Consultant and Software Engineer for 1,5 years. Since July 2022, I am a research scientist as part of the research group Applied Technical Cognitive Systems (ATKS). My focus is on capturing and enhancing user experience in autonomous vehicles.

Open Hiwi Positions

Administrative Support for Field-Studies (start: immediately)

  • Assist in preparing automatic e-mail replies and registration for participants of field-studies
  • Assist in formulating applications for ethics commition, data protection and data security

App-Developer using Flutter (start: 15. November 2024)

  • Emoji-App to give direct feedback during ride with autonomous vehicle
  • App to connect a Fitbit to and collect heartrate-data during ride with autonomous vehicle

Machine Learning Developer using Python (start: 01. July 2025)

  • Evaluate collected feedback and heartrate-data during ride with autonomous vehicle
  • Automated emotion recognition using cameras in autonomous vehicles

If you are interested in a Hiwi position in one of these fields, just send me an e-mail with your CV, your grades, and two sentences, why you are interested in the position.


WS 23/24

  • Bachelorarbeit Herzfrequenz im Kontext von Mensch-Roboter-Interaktionen
  • Bachelorarbeit Time-based EEG-Data for Sentiment Analysis on the Example of Passengers in Autonomous Vehicles
  • Übungsleitung Programmieren 1: Java
  • Seminar Programmieren 3 Bachelor
  • Praktikum Kognitive Automobile und Roboter Master

SS 23

  • Bachelorarbeit User Experience im autonomen Fahren mit Visualisierungen verbessern: Eine Feldstudie
  • Übungsleitung Programmierung kommerzieller Systeme - Anwendungen in Netzen mit Java
  • Praktikum Maschinelles Lernen Master
  • Praktikum Teamprojekt Softwareentwicklung

WS 22/23

  • Übungsleitung Programmieren 1: Java
  • Seminar Programmieren 3 Bachelor
  • Seminar Maschinelles Lernen Master
  • Praktikum Teamprojekt Softwareentwicklung


Deep Learning, Trustworthy AI